A Site Dedicated to Helping Manage Your Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities

Food Allergy Friendly Protein, Granola, Fruit and Seed Bars

If you are looking for a healthy and good tasting snack.  Here’s a list of protein bars, seed bars, granola bars, fruit bars, etc.  You can sort and filter by allergens to find one that may be appropriate for you.


Products listed are NOT evaluated for safety regarding possible cross-contact during the manufacturing process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please contact the manufacturer directly.

Ingredients may change over time. You can find more product information at the manufacturers’ websites.  It is possible that manufacturer’s website information may not be up-to-date, so you need to ALWAYS read ingredient labels on the products to ensure they are  safe for consuming.

Consumer reviews are often found through the links to online stores.  Please note, some may be affiliate links.

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